
Cách sử dụng have got và have

Tuy đều có ý nghĩa thể hiện ‘sở hữu’ song cách thức sử dụng của Have got và Have vẫn có sự khác biệt. Cùng tìm hiểu trong bài viết này nhé.

1. Cách sử dụng Have got và Have 

1.1    Have got = have

  • Dùng have got như là hình thức thay thế cho have để diễn tả sự sở hữu ở hiện tại. Have got thường được dùng phổ biến hơn trong văn phong thân mật Anh – Anh (British – English)

Ví dụ:

He has got a car but he hasn’t got a garage to keep it in. 

(Anh ấy có một chiếc xe hơi nhưng anh ấy không có nhà để xe để giữ nó)

  • Trong văn phong viết, chúng ta có thể dùng have got nhưng have lại thường dùng hơn.

Ví dụ: 

Applicants have three months in which to complete and return the forms 

(Những người nộp đơn xin việc có ba tháng để hoàn thành và hoàn trả lại đơn)

  • Chúng ta thường dùng have không phải have got để nói về sự sở hữu ở quá khứ hoặc tương lai

Ví dụ:

I had a  puppy when I was a child (= possessed)

(Tôi có một chú chó con khi tôi còn là một đứa trẻ)

I’m going to have a cottage by the seaside when I retire. (= going to possess)

(Tôi sắp sửa có một căn nhà nghỉ mát bên bờ biển khi tôi về hưu)

  • Have got và have không có hình thức tiếp diễn hoặc bị động khi chúng có nghĩa sở hữu (possess)

Ví dụ: 

He is having got a car (wrong)

A car has been got by him  (wrong)

1.2   Have got ≠ have

  • Have got cũng là thì hiện tại hoàn thành của động từ get. Nó có nghĩa là has become, has obtained, has received ...

Ví dụ: Hãy so sánh cặp câu sau

She’s got/ has a degree in Chemistry and works at the lab (= possesses)

(Cô ấy sở hữu tấm bằng về Hóa học và làm việc tại phòng thí nghiệm)

She’s just got a degree  and hopes to get a job in a lab. (= has just obtained ) 

(Cô ấy vừa nhận được bằng và hy vọng nhận được việc ở phòng thí nghiệm)

2. Bài tập sử dụng Have got và Have 

The following dialogue and the hotel brochure below each contain at least ten phrases which can be replaced by forms of have or have got. Find the phrases and rewrite them. Use contractions whenever appropriate, and only use have if have got is either not appropriate or not grammatically correct.

  1.  Mary: New hairstyle, Liz?
  2. Liz: Yes, I use this marvelous new haidresser 
  3. Mary: Really?
  4. Liz: Mm. Jane Lindsay, she owns a place in the high street.
  5. Mary: But I thought you went to that place next to the post office.
  6. Liz: No, I used to, but the woman who did my hair emigrated to Australia last month.
  7. Mary: Oh? Well, your new woman’s certainly very original ! Your hair contains extensions, doesn’t it?
  8. Liz: Yes, they’re great, aren’t they?
  9. Mary : Very distinctive. I’ve always wanted to possess extentions but I’ve never had the nerve to ask for them. Was it expensive?
  10. Liz: Not really. She’s doing a special offer. You can receive three hairstyling sessions for the price of two – if you bring a friend along.
  11. Mary: Bring a friend?
  12. Liz: Yes. There is an appointment for you there at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon. My treat!
  13. Situated in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Highlands, the Glenforth Hotel offers the
  14. discerning guest the ultimate in luxury and gracious living.
  15. Dining : We possess a Michelin- starred restaurant offering the best in cordon bleu cuisine
  16. featuring a variety of locally – sourced organic ingredients.
  17. Leisure facilities : Would you enjoy indulging in a relaxing swim or sauna?
  18. Our guests can obtain free membership of the adjacent Glenforth Health Centre which includes
  19. a fully- equiped gynamsium, heated indoor pool and sauna/ steam rooms.
  20. Babysitting service If your family contains small children you will be able to take advantage of 
  21. unique babysiting service. We employ several fully -qualified local names who are able to take
  22. care of your children for an evening.
  23. Sports For those of our guests that enjoy fishing, the hotel has acquired the fishing rights on a 
  24. three- mile stretch of the river Glenswift, which is teeming with a large number of salmon, trout
  25. and bream. 

Đáp án: 

  1. Line 4 : she owns  → she’s got 
  2. Line 7: Your hair contains extensions, doesn’t it? → You’ve got extentions, haven’t you?
  3. Line 9 : to possess→ to have
  4. Line 10 : can receive → can have
  5. Line 12 : There is an appointment for you  → You’ve got an appointment
  6. Line 15 : possess → have
  7. Line 17: indulging in → having
  8. Line 18 : includes → has
  9. Line 20 : your family contains → you have/ you’ve got
  10. Line 21 : employ → have
  11. Line 23 : has acquired  → has/ has got 
  12. Line 24 : is teeming → has 


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